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Teka Enterprises

Website Development, Photography, Videography
June 2, 2019
Old TEKA Enterprises website.

TEKA Enterprises Inc. is known in the NYC area to be dependable, trustworthy, and professional. However their website did not reflect that. Because the website was old and not up to date, the company felt it was losing opportunities to attract large construction projects. The CEO of TEKA Enterprises Inc, Teddy N. Kavourgias came to me for help updating his site.

Discovery meeting

Teddy and I dove deep into what his business goals were for the future. He wanted to focus on only large commercial and residential projects. It was important for him to showcase large projects and to have a website design that demonstrated the company's size and professionalism. After a long and fruitful meeting I was able to come out with a list of features Teddy wanted on his new website.

  • Showcase projects
  • Background video
  • Allow visitors to upload their resume
  • Modern website theme
  • Display achievements
  • Photography

The website process

High Fidelity Wireframe for TEKA Enterprises.

I designed three design options for Teddy to choose from. Once he chose one I started developing the website in Wordpress. Meanwhile I was coding the site, I gave Teddy a list of text content I needed for the website and we also planned for the videoshoot and photos for the website.

Background video

GIF of background video shot for TEKA Enterprises

The company was doing work inside a NYC building and I thought it was a perfect place to record b-roll for the background video. I also worked with the construction workers to stage photos to include in the website.

Project photography

Interior shot of Macoletta Restaurant construction project.

TEKA Enterprises Inc. was missing photos of projects they had completed. So I visited each site and took photos of the exterior and interior to showcase on the website.

Website launch

New website for TEKA Enterprises Inc.

After including all the text content provided by Teddy and placing the background video and images on the website we were ready to launch. Teddy was elated to see the website live and knew it would impress his potential clients.

Next up

No.3 Magazine

No.3 Magazine received a modern website tailored to the needs of their online goals.

Don't wait.

You are minutes away from a beautiful website.